Archived Site

This site is for archival purposes only. 

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Drupal Camp Volunteer

Calling all helpers!  

The secret to our camps is all the volunteers that make it possible.  Besides the organizing committee, we need plenty of volunteers to do all those tasks that make our camp run smoothly.  

Volunteer Signup

Please use the Volunteer Schedule Form.  This is a Google Doc, and you can sign up for shifts directly!

Twin Cities DrupalCamp Volunteer Tasks

Help Desk

Answer questions, watch luggage, all registration is done online.

Session Room Helpers

Assist speaker with setup, get a room count 20 minutes into the presentation.

Camp Party and Closing Event Helpers

9/14 at House of Balls

9/15 at Casket Arts Building

4-5 helpers

Prep - help with all aspects of party prep, organizing food and drinks, space setup, other tasks as needed.  Closing - breaking down after the event, and light cleanup.