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Single Directory Components

Session Category Theming, Design, & Usability Room Room 326 Audience Intermediate Time Slot Thu 2:00pm to 2:45pm (9/14/23)

Single Directory Components (SDC) are a new feature in Drupal core (as of 10.1) that aim to simplify the front-end development workflow and improve the maintainability of custom, Core, and contributed themes. This is the biggest change to Drupal theming since the introduction of Twig with the release of Drupal 8 over 10 years ago. And it’s super awesome!

In this presentation I’ll cover:

  • What are UI components generally, and Single Directory Components specifically?
  • What problems are SDC solving?
  • Examples of how to author, and use, components in your modules and themes
  • Integrating SDC with Storybook
  • Educated guesses about the future of SDC in Drupal core

About the Speaker