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Getting Your Team on the Same [Web] Page: Drupal for Non-Developers

Session Category Beginner Track Room Room 324 Audience Beginner Time Slot Thu 9:45am to 10:30am (9/14/23)

A successful team is one that can communicate with confidence. From providing mindful recommendations to clients to accurately relaying client requirements to the engineering team, having a strong understanding of Drupal is beneficial for all team members. Hear from one of our Project Managers about how their knowledge of Drupal has been beneficial, if not necessary in their roles. They will share case studies, personal experiences, and provide tips on how similar non-developer roles can confidently join the Drupal conversation.

About the Speaker

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Kelly Auxier

Digital Project Manager at TEN7

St. Paul, MN

Kelly Auxier is a Digital Project Manager for TEN7. Prior to working at TEN7, she was a Digital Communications Strategist and Project Manager at the University of Minnesota for over ten years. Kelly is dedicated to providing the best experience for everyone on the team through her strategic experience and organizational skills.

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