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Config Management: Local Development with Config Splits

Session Category Development & Performance Room Room 326 Audience Intermediate Time Slot Fri 9:00am to 9:45am (9/15/23)

Your site is working great on the LIVE server.  But now you need to make considerable changes to your site.  You copy your site locally, make a bunch of changes, and push those changes to LIVE.  But now modules you installed locally are running on the LIVE site.  

What a mess, HELP!

Drupal gives us great tools to control and manage configuration.  With config_split, config_ignore and config_filter modules, we can set up development workflows to enable and disable modules and configuration - based on which development environment you are using.  

In this session we will explore those modules and show how to set up different configuration for the same site running on the server and on a local development environment.  

This is an intermediate session, but if you are new to config management, this will be a great session to attend.  We'll demystify what Drupal can do with your configuration!

About the Speaker

Wilbur Ince

Drupal Mechanic at Electric Citizen

Minneapolis, MN

Based in Minneapolis, Wilbur Ince works for Electric Citizen.  Drupal Mechanics are fixers and troubleshooters, called upon to keep fix issues and keep things running smoothly.  Wilbur has been a long-time Twin Cities Drupal group member and part of the Twin Cities DrupalCamp since it's start in 2011.